Kidnapping Whitner





 Whitmer ran for governor in 2018 and easily won the gubernatorial (governor) election over Bill Schuette by almost 10% of the vote, blaming Rick Snyder and the Republicans over the Flint water crisis.

During the pandemic, after it was known that hydroxychloroquine was an effective treatment for the Corona virus, Whitmer banned doctors from prescribing it, and threathened to revoke their medical license.

Former U.S. representative Kerry Bentivolio reported to National File in late March 2020 that Whitmer and her office had rejected his offer of accepting several thousand face-masks to distribute throughout Michigan. No reason was ever given.

Then in a move, reminiscent of the Stalinesque Holodomor, a famine planned by dictator Joseph Stalin, Whitmer arbitrarily defined what grocery stores could and could not sell. 

Whitmer would not allow the purchase of seeds during the spring season for backyard fruit and vegetables gardens. 

Which is ironic because self-sufficiency and growing fruits and vegetables at home while on lock-down would maintain social distancing by avoiding grocery stores during the pandemic.

Trivial and luxury items that contribute to the State Budget like Lottery tickets, cigarettes, and alcohol, were still permitted however.

In addition, Whitmer allows abortion "services" because they were considered "life-sustaining" (oblivious to the fact that abortion is murder). 

After many Michiganders expressed their strong disdain for the governor over her mishandling of the pandemic and her despotic behavior, a protest known as Operation Gridlock organized by the Michigan Conservative Coalition emerged on March 15, 2020. 

A grassroots crowd of 100,000 Michigan citizens marched on Lansing, the States capital and backed up traffic for 10 miles.

After the largest protest in Michigan's history took place, Whitmer extended, the very policy which exemplified her abuse, until April and prohibited people from traveling between two residences or to vacation rentals, within the state. 

But then a mysterious post on Facebook alleges that the Democratic governor broke her own law. 

Whittler's primary residence is in East Lansing, Mich, but according to her 2018 financial disclosure. The document also lists a "family lake house" in Elk Rapids, the main town near Birch Lake. 

It was reported on May 20, 2020 by the Gateway Pundit that Whitmer and her husband Marc Mallory had traveled to their summer home after banning constituents from doing the exact same thing. She was throwing a graduation party for her daughter.  

"Governor Gretchen Whitmer spent the past weekend at her VACATION COTTAGE at Birch Lake. Violating her own EXECUTIVE ORDER."

Here are some photos taken outside their summer house on that day.

On May 22, 2020, two days later, Whitmer arbitrarily extended the statewide stay-at-home order from May until June 12.

On Memorial Day May, 25, 2020 the owner of a Northern Michigan docking company reported that Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's husband, Marc Mallory wanted his boat in the water before the Memorial Day weekend. 

Facebook posts from NorthShore Dock and its owner, Tad Dowker, are no longer visible to the public. But the posts have drawn the attention of Republican lawmakers, who said the Democratic governor's family are not be following her guidelines for the rest of the state.

Side-note: Whitmer banned motor boats and jet skies, but not canoes or sailboats, alluding that the abuse of her dictatorial powers are in direct support of the Green New Deal, (the anti-fossil fuel agenda), rather than to limit social distancing to protect the public health.

Whitmer's actions thinly veil the anti-democratic and totalitarian nature of her Globalist "Democratic" Party Agenda. 

University of Michigan Law students filed a lawsuit against Whitmer on behalf of a Michigan timeshare owner, for civil rights violations.

It was reported on June 15, 2020 that one-third of all corona virus-related deaths in Michigan were from nursing homes.

Whitmer acts like their emergency measures have saved lives -the opposite is true. Whitmer is one of a handful of Democrat governors who mandated that COVID-19 patients be housed in nursing homes, rather than vacant centers. 

Because of Whitmer’s decision, countless elderly people, who were otherwise healthy, died painful deaths alone and isolated from their loved ones.  

When later questioned on the matter, Whitmer refused to specify details about her policy.

On July 10, Gov. Whitmer signed an executive order mandating people in Michigan wear masks in any indoor public spaces and  violators would be fined up to $500, and private businesses are unconstitutionally required to refuse entry to anyone not wearing masks under the threat of having their licenses withheld.

On July 15, five days later, she extended the order once again to mid-August. Then from August to September.

Despite being a strong opponent to the southern border wall, it was reported on September 8, 2020 that Whitmer's would receive over $1 million dollars in taxpayer funds for an 8-foot security wall to surround her residence.

Then she extended the stay at home order from September to October 1st.

In a victory for conservatives and libertarians in early October 2020, the Michigan Supreme Court struck down Whitmer's corona-virus emergency orders, ruling them to be excessive and in violation of the state's constitution.

Furious, the governor noted that the order would still last for an additional twenty-one days and vowed to use other means to retain her totalitarianism.

Oct 6, 2020

Over-ruled by the court, Whitmer is working through Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) and having her bureaucratic henchmen continue her dirty work to undermine the court's ruling. 

Oct 8, 2020

The FBI says it thwarted what it described as a plot to violently overthrow the government and kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. The alleged plot involved reaching out to members of a Michigan Militia, according to a federal affidavit filed Thursday.  



44-year-old Barry G. Croft Jr. was arrested by the FBI for his part in an alleged plot to kidnap MI Governor Whitmer with five Michigan men.

Croft spent nearly three years in prison after being convicted on Dec. 1, 1997, for possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony. That sentence followed a one-year stint that ended in March 1996.


In 2019, Democrat Governor John Carney pardoned 44-year-old Barry G. Croft Jr., for the 1997 gun charge and several other convictions from 1994 to 1996, despite having a long history of arrests.

Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden endorsed the re-election of his friend, Democrat Delaware Governor John Carney



During an interview with Paul Egan of the Detroit Free Press, Governor Whitmer, with no evidence, made vile accusations, and tied the potential kidnappers to President Trump. (Video here).

The truth is, the more the public discovers about the men involved in the plot, the more it’s clear the anti-police, anti-government, anti-Trump radicals were more aligned with the Marxist BLM movement and violent domestic terrorist group -Antifa.

Croft had his initial appearance on Thursday, Oct. 8, before a federal magistrate in Wilmington, Delaware. If convicted the charge is a life offense.

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EXCLUSIVE: Former ‘Dominion’ Project Manager Executed $25 Million Contract with State of Michigan While Serving As Dem Vice Chair

A former project manager for Dominion has been revealed as the Mayor of Lathrup Village, Mich., a small town right on the outskirts of Detroit.

Mayor Mykale “Kelly” Garrett is a veteran Democrat operative in the state of Michigan. New York Young Republican Club President Gavin Wax made the discovery in a Twitter post, noting that she has been earmarked by the Michigan Democratic State Central Committee:

Garrett also attempted to get onto the county commission in Oakland County. She lost her Democrat primary race but her comments in a pre-election interview show how deep her ties in the Michigan Democrat Party truly are.




To be continued...






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