Q Anonymous




Q Anon (Anonymous), is a messaging board from insiders within the intelligence community, who are leaking classified information to the public.

In October 2017, an anonymous user put a series of posts on the message board 4chan. The user signed off as “Q” in reference to having a level of US security approval known as “Q clearance”.

What is Q clearance?

Q clearance or Q access authorization is the Department of Energy (DOE) security clearance required to access Top Secret Restricted Data, Formerly Restricted Data, and National Security Information, as well as Secret Restricted Data. Restricted Data (RD) is defined in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 and covers nuclear weapons and related materials.  Access to Restricted Data is only granted on a need-to-know basis to personnel with appropriate clearances. 

These messages became known as “Q drops” or “breadcrumbs”, often written in cryptic language.

Why a message board?

Anonymity. A message board or Internet Forum, is an online discussion site where people can hold conversations in the form of posted messages. Unlike chatroom’s or emails users can be anonymous, they do not have to register with the forum and then subsequently log in to post messages.

4-Chan was one of the first sites that hosted these types of message boards. They differ from chat rooms in that messages are often longer than one line of text. Forums have a specific set of jargon associated with them; example: a single conversation is called a “thread“, or topic.

4-Chan gets a bad name because of the media. The media really is “fake-news” because it does not report facts, -only talking points. Nothing is verified. And everything is corporate owned, so actually all media i.e associated press, are owned by the same people. You choice of monopoly is just a monopoly, as they all have the same message.

4-Chan do not work for corporations, they are composed of people who are internet savvy, and many are extremely skilled hackers. Nothing is off-limits to them. Hacking is illegal, but hacking is also where the truth can be found, so they target high profile politicians.

When John Podesta’s (Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Manager), email was hacked, by 4chan, they found disturbing images of children being tortured and in compromising positions. Wikileaks published these. Podesta himself has never denied or attempted to explain this. The media refused to cover it (including Fox News), because the associated press is all controlled by the deep state (shadow government). This led to Pizza gate.

What is Pizza-Gate?

It all started in early November 2016, when Clinton campaign manager John Podesta’s email was hacked and the messages were published by Wikileaks. One of the emails, according to The New York Times, was between Podesta and James Alefantis, the owner of D.C. pizzeria Comet Ping Pong. The message discussed Alefantis hosting a possible fundraiser for Clinton.

Users of the website 4Chan began speculating about the relationship between gay, pizza owner, Comet Ping Pong, and a child trafficking ring led by Clinton and Podesta. The emails are disturbing, but both law enforcement, and the media continue to dismiss them as propaganda, and no serious investigation has ever been done.

Wikileaks is run by Julian Assange, an innocent man, who is currently rotting in prison for simply exposing the emails of Hillary Clinton that she tried to hide on an illegal server she had while serving as Secratary of State -a violation of her own policy.

Then after being ordered by a judge to produce them, she responded by destroying the evidence, and having the server wiped, erasing 33,000 emails after a subpoena was ordered for her to produce them. When Donald Trump, President of the United States, has to ask, “Why isn’t she in jail?” You really have to ask whose running this country.

If you would like to see the most recent drops go here:





To be continued…



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