Organic Robotoids
This is an “artificial life” form that is created through processes that are totally different than cloning or synthetics. they use genitic manipulation instead.
As the reader knows since the 1960’s when this was written an incredible miniaturization job has been done in computers. What the public knows of that miniaturization is incredible but it only a fraction of what has actually occurred. In fact, scientists use DNA to create computers.
Living biological material is superior to other material for making computers because the heat created by the methods in conventional computers slows the speed. That is why computers have vents and fans.
For super-computers to work at great speeds they need to use biological material that will not heat up. This type of miniaturization has already been done. It creates computers far beyond what we are familiar with.
Organic robotoid technology was used to make exact copies of important people such as Presidents and some of their staff. For instance, the Jimmy Carter who did many public or charitable events was not the Jimmy Carter that had run for President.
“The ability to control the formation of new beings may be one of the most basic developments of the future. Recent discoveries about the nucleonic acids, the basic building blocks of life, have led to the belief that man may some day be able to treat genes in such a way that desired characteristics can be realized (…)”
It had already been done. On Easter, 1979, the first robotoid model of Jimmy Carter replaced the man Jimmy Carter. By this time when “Carter” was seen publically, the human president had already been mass produced manily due to trail and error.
“(…) An electronic circuit that imitates two neurons, the cells of the human brain, has been built, and has enabled this human robot to deal with some unexpected situations, but the neuron structure was bulky. The brain has billions of neurons, meaning an incredible miniaturization job will be necessary before truly ’human’ robots are developed.”
But once that project was completed and perfected, the Organic robotoids were amazingly humanlike, so much so, it was hard for the scientists who created them to get used to the idea that they were not humans.
Biological computer brains for the robotiods came as a result of research into holograms. If you tear up a conventional photograph you ruin it, but if you tear up the film that produces a hologram, each piece still contains almost all the same image. This is why part of the brain of people can be removed and the brain regain what it had lost.
A holographic image of a person’s brain is made, and then when the brain of a robotoid is made, the biological computer in its head is caused to form according to the holographic record of a person being copied. Some deviations from the holographic record are needed, because the robotoid is not a person.
The brain of the robotoid has almost all of the correct memory of the person reproduced, but the robotoid brain is really a computer made from biological material which is programmed, it is not a human brain.
Why are robotoids made???
Because if there is an assassination attempt, the "actually" president will still be alive and safely protected, and not exposed to unpredictable dangers. Or the perfect mancurian candidate.
These robotoids have a biological computer-brain that is programmed. They can think in the sense a computer thinks, but secret advances in understanding the human brain, have allowed the makers of organic robotoids to have the memory of a person in real time, transferred to an organic robotoid.
How the memory of a person is transferred for the organic robotoids
In order to successfully make human organic robotoids – in a sense to make human robots – the ability to simulate the personality of the person being copied was necessary.
The only viable solution was to learn how the brain coded memory and duplicate that process. The brain is entering into its memory about 10 million bits of information a second. The incredible storage capability of the human brain which weighs on the average 3.25 lbs in human males and 2.9 lbs in human females is incredible.
The brain can easily store 100 million billion bits of information. It’s no wonder we don’t use it all. All the computers in the world put together do not compare with one intelligent person’s brain. Numerous tests and experiments from many different angles all showed investigators that the brain stored information as a hologram.
The place in the brain where a memory is stored isn’t in just one location. Memories are stored in synapses in sequence, but they are stored in a holographic method.
From what I understand, rhythmic pulses radiate from a small area of the brain like a stone creates ripples in a pond. Waves go through the cerebrum, in the way that laser light is used to create a hologram.
Different frequencies are used by the brain and different neuron impulses are used to reference (tag) the different details. These tags are the brain’s own codes or reference standards for cataloging information. The brain has to be able to access the encoder and or decoder (holographic code standards) for a particular piece of information to be retrieve for the conscious.
Brain injuries can destroy one decoder, and leave other decoders for a memory intact. When a multiple (a person with MPD and or DID) is created layers and layers of amnesia walls (actual walls) are built into the brain, and then specific codes are created which cause the mind to bring these compartments of memory to the surface.
Each compartment is built into an alter (personality) or a functioning part of the System (built somewhat like a series of computers). Where a normal person may be aware of a conscious and a somewhat subconscious track running simultaneously, the mind of a multiple runs several tracks at once.
On a local level within the brain, researchers have called a memories storage unit an engram. Polypeptidenucleic acid holds a piece of information, such as a trauma memory. Proteins and other substances are involved in the memory process.
How a person eats can influence their mental abilities. But it must be born in mind that a memory is retained holographically in countless locations in the memory storage area of the brain, just as the ripples of a stone dropped into water flow throughout an entire pond. The mind will have a number of reference points from which a particular memory can be decoded.
The information that is stored in the brain is both dynamic and holographic. It is not stored like a book. If the dynamic impulses of the brain cease, so do the memories. Freezing and reviving a human brain will serve to erase its memory.
I will try to explain things in clear terms if the reader will bear with me. The reason that we recognize objects so quickly is that the brain performs what is similar to what researchers call a Fourier transfer. Messages are transmitted through Fourier-transform messages.
What is a Fourier-transform message? A Fourier transform is a mathematical method where a complex wave, or a complex pattern is broken down and converted into a basically longer, but precise signal of simpler frequencies.
In other words a squiggly line is hard to communicate, but via the Fourier transform it becomes a string of numbers which is quite easy to transmit. In other words, a complex squiggly line and a straight line after the conversion are both just as easy to record.
The brain stores information in a form similar to a Fourier transform, so that when it must look for similar patterns, it can quickly overlook everything but another identical Fourier transform pattern. A mental comparison is done so quick that it gives the ability to the brain to “instantly” recognize people who one hasn’t seen for years.
The Holograms of memory that the brain makes are transmitted through Fourier-transform messages. Holograms are hard to destroy, for each piece contains the whole. Rip a holograph in half and you still have the same picture.
Rip it in half again and the same picture remains. After a great many cuts in half the holograph begins to get a little fuzzy, as it loses some of its detail, but the entire picture is still there. That is why memories begin to get somewhat fuzzy, because we are only puffing up a small piece of brain that recorded the memory. However, if we can pull up more of the holographic image of the memory we get a more distinct detailed picture.
It was secret research into holograms that gave Illuminati scientists the ability to copy the memory of an entire brain.
A holographic image is made of the host’s brain and that is transferred into the biological matter functioning as a brain of the robotoid. Since the body and brain of the robotoid are not identical to the original person being copied, adjustments have to be taught and programmed into the mind of the robotoid. The entire process is sophisticated, but then so are many manufacturing processes today.
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