Future Shock
What happens when a primitive backward people are suddenly confronted with a technologically advanced people?
What happens is that people are required to change radically, and in many cases the stress is too overwhelming, in what Alvin Toffler defines, as “Future Shock."
The over-stimulation of new ideas, new decisions, new ways of looking at things can cause great distress to the mind and body. Radical changes to adapt to the new situation are demanded.
Current examples include, the Indians on the reservations. In the case of the Navajo, one can see pickups parked beside hogans. Or the Amish, who do not use computers, or any electrical devices. Or tribes of aborigines who have lived in Austria or South America until there habitat was destroyed.
Likewise the American people have in general been kept in the dark about the limits of scientific developments used by the Elite. The known reasons are varied.
1. The Cold War was one reason.
2. Corporate advantage is another, they define it as trade secrets.
3. Scientific pride; the ability to out-do other researchers, and the public (just by their technical jargon), is enough to confuse people, and prevent them from understanding what is really going on.
4. But Ultimately the end result is to control the masses, with a Draconian Authority. If you are religious, you can refer to your (Christian) Bible; it alludes that the Devil will be the deceiver of the world and in control of this one world government.
So the Elites, and celebrities, who have sold their souls for fame and money are pursuing this very agenda. Hollywood, and television, constantly push programs of sex and violence that destroy morals and make people insensitive to the violence that causes suffering.
Like the primitive caveman the American people are no longer in touch with how advanced the elite’s secret technology is. They could end poverty, sickness, and hunger in one generation.
But some problems started developing; they realized past a certain point this "future shock" would be self-defeating for them.
The damage from this ever-growing divide, became so profound that if they did not reduce this “Future Shock” eventually the society they manipulated would self-destruct.
The elite had a dilemma. If society isn’t moved forward to "match" their secret scientific advances, they wouldn't be capable to adjust. On the other hand they certainly could not reveal what they are capable of, because that would mean admitting that they have been using this very technology to control and manipulate us, right from the start.
You need to be aware (mentally prepared) that most people will experience future shock when they read that cloning of humans is not only possible but has gone on for decades. Presidents have been cloned!!!
Elites Solution
So they decided to release this information thru movies as science fiction, showing things in the future, that they have actually already invented.
Some Examples
Clone — cloning
Jurassic Park — cloning
Genesis II — underground genetics laboratories that are connected by tube shuttles
Terminal Man — brain stem implants
Star Trek — various items.
Another method to disclose pre-planned events, subversively, is thru cartoons, this method is known as Predictive Programming.
If you have ever seen that disgustingly vile show, The Simpsons, you may have heard this term used in reference to them. It seems there are many episodes, that accurately predicted future events.
Ex. Like Trump becoming President.
But in reality these events were planned much in advance, and if successful, were supposed to lessen the future shock the American Culture experienced when they actually happened.
They hope to lessen the Future Shock, which their own secrecy has greatly contributed toward creating, while maintaining control over the general population.
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