Cloning 2020


The Illuminati fear 3 things:


1) The populace finding out about their technology.

2) Muslims (suicide bombers) -unpredictable.

3) Nuclear war (it will affect them).


I’m going to start with number one. The populace finding out about their technology. What technology do they have?

A) Human cloning.

B) Consciousness Link: that part of the brain that holds your consciousness, that part of you that realizes your alive can be (downloaded) into a machine, or (transferred) into another body.

Human Cloning does exist and has existed since WW2. The German Scientists who were working on these things for Hitler, were all captured at the end of the war.

The CIA, under Operation Paper-Clip, offered them immunity for their war-crimes against humanity, it they disclosed everything, and continued there experiments, but now working (illegally) for the United States Government instead.

Clones in the News

There is two different kinds of cloning, I think the confusion may be due to the difference between replication cloning and duplication cloning.

Replication cloning is growing a clone taken from genetic information of the original, so the clone grows to be an identical copy of the original but usually conceived artificially (outside the womb), and then implanted. Example: Dolly the sheep. Replication however takes a lifetime for the clone to develop, just like a human being of natural conception.

Duplication cloning on the other hand happens from agitating the cells of the original over and over until a fully formed duplicate clone of an original person is formed. It only takes five months to grow a human body through the process of duplication cloning.

Duplication cloning is also known as REM driven cloning because the duplicate clones do not function unless, the consciousness of the original is transferred into the REM driven clone when the original person is in REM sleep.

This duplication cloning was not feasible until after the “Conscious Link” REM driven cloning program had been completed.

When you have all the money in the world, the only thing you don’t have is time. Time makes money useless, because when you die, money is useless. So by making a clone of your body, and transferring your consciousness to that body, it is the Elites attempt at immortality.

But this too is also used for complete secrecy, with this REM driven cloning, which I will explain in greater detail in another article, the Illuminati Satanists in their clone bodies, cannot be exposed, or their technology revealed. Every thing is kept in Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMB’s).

No “hard evidence” is currently available to expose them, only eye-witnesses, but many celebrities who try to come forward have suffered mental breakdowns (Brittany Spears), aneurysms (Tila Tequila), or have been murdered, (Paul Walker).

However, the circumstantial evidence is ALL around you. Who invented the light-bulb??? Everybody knows that. But who invented the microchip??? The greatest advancement in human technology since the light-bulb.

Don’t bother to look it up on the Internet because its all a lie. Nobody in 1984 knew, even when every magazine shelf was covered with PC Magazines that never exist even a month before, all talking about microchips, as if they had been around forever.

REM driven cloning is a fact of life and currently exists. REM, as well as many other highly advanced technologies are a fact of life; and currently exist today.

Besides advanced technology, the Satanic Illuminati have control over the media, courts, law enforcement and the banks. Jeffrey Epstein was a CIA Puppet who was used to get high ranking members of congress, world leaders, and other billionaires, in compromising, position with underage girls. 

That is how the CIA holds and maintains power over people who don’t want to go along with their agenda: assassinations, blackmail, coercion, mind control, or they can be less direct and bankrupt you with other agencies like the IRS, spy on you illegally with the NSA. Or target you with FBI and the Media. 


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