Only You Can Make a Difference
New World Order
1. No Gender (Confusion)
You can be whatever sex you want.
Let's grown men use the same bathroom as little girls.
Transgenders, Gays, and other that reprepsent less than 2% of the population take precedence, while the majority is ignored.
2. No Family Unit (Chaos no society)
Disney's absent mother.
Hypersexualization of childrn.
3. Race Hatred (Division)
Every time the black community calls the police on a black felon commiting a crime, and that person refuses to comply with the police man's orders, and resists arrest, resulting in him getting shot and killed, Antifan and BLM automatically respond by rioting.
Constant new hate groups like (BLM)
We have weapon-makers, funded with our tax dollars (that we have no say about), in collusion with agencies that create never-ending wars, so they can sell weapons to both sides.
4. No Religion (No Morals, Ethics)
Satanic Churches are springing up all over the Country.
Thier Goal: Destroy United States
Solution Turn off your TV (Cancel your Netflix) Not your Internet
Research on your own Material, Do not believe the Media
Don'twaste time trying to change other's opinions, find others who agree with you.
Drug Companies
Become the Lawyers, Government, Politicans.
Even if its just on the local level -start there.
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