Moon as the Deathstar

The Moon is not a natural satellite, and that’s why it doesn’t rotate.
Scientists could not explain the physics of why it didn’t. Not even Einstein, who gave us the Theory of Relativity. Of all the physics problems that needed to be solved, to launch man into space, and onto the Moon, doesn’t it seem odd that the most obvious anomaly is still completely ignored to this day??? 

I did an interview with a man who was on his death-bed. And he told me that when the astronauts landed on the Moon, they were immediately surrounded by several large alien war-crafts. The original transmission of what was said by the American astronauts and NASA was actually cut-off and pre-empted with a pre-recoreded message for the American public instead. They did this is case anything went wrong. 

Years later one the astronauts looked up at me and said, “It’s not ours.”

“What’s not ours?” I asked.

“The Moon; it’s not our Moon.”

“Nobody owns the moon,” I said.

“No seriously; it’s not even a Moon. It’s a station.”

“But I thought the Moon was desolate, devoid of air and water???”

“It has always belonged to the aliens who “towed” it here by ship from another sector of the Galaxy several thousand years ago.”

“It didn’t get caught in the Earth’s gravitation field???” I asked. 

“Nothing that big could have gotten caught in the Earth’s gravitation field.”

“Okay,” I said, “slow down; this is too much for me. That’s unreal.”

“No,” the astronaut said, “the [moon] has no core; it’s filled with massive cities”


“For lack of a better word,” he replied, “There are thousands of structures in there, massive open areas. Thousands of entities, beehives, like transparent buildings. Hundreds of control centers, millions of laboratories. Military research, medical. I can’t remember everything. It’s gone now.”

The old man looked cold, and he was shaking. This was the worst I had ever seen him since he agreed to do these interviews, these “death-bed confessions,” (confession like these are cropping up all over the internet), that we had started weeks ago.

“You know,” he said, “the Moon never rotates like everything else in the solar system.”

“Yes,” I commented, “I have wondered about that for a long time, too.”

“Because its not natural, it artificial. Its a space station, like the Death-Star and we are being observed and manipulated on this planet for unknown purposes.” 

“We did land on the moon,” I asked, “it wasn’t a hoax???” 

“We did land on the moon,” he said, “but the footage shown was not from the actual video, we couldn’t use it.” 

“Are they on Mars too???”

“I don’t know, but after several Apollo missions they told us not to come back, and that’s why NASA cancelled the future missions so abuptly -even though they were scheduled. We were just getting started.”



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